
Divorce Papers Burned

Jason and Allison remarry each other 2 weeks after a Weekend to Remember marriage conference.

Holding divorce papers, Jason and Allison Gray watched flames consume the edges, ashes disappearing into the wind.

They embraced, crying, and began a celebration over a different paper -- their second marriage certificate. 

“[In May] we celebrated 10 years,” says Allison. “Minus 6 months apart.”

Those 6 months included tension over roles and responsibilities.

Eventually, Allison moved out.

Their divorce papers were finalized.

But they still communicated.

Finally, Jason suggested they attend a Weekend to Remember, a conference hosted by FamilyLife, a ministry of Cru. “If we were going to reunite,” Allison explains, “we were going to do it the right way. God was going to be in the middle of the decisions.”

At the conference, Allison’s outlook changed. “I had perceived Jason as someone who was out to get me. I didn’t realize until after the conference that he’s not my enemy. That’s not how God intended him to be to me.”

Two weeks later, Jason and Allison remarried.

Since burning their divorce papers, they have spent time counseling other couples thanks to their renewed love and appreciation for each other.

Now they battle together instead of against each other, currently united against struggles with infertility. “What’s important to us is that we have each other,” says Allison. “While we pray that God will bless us with children, I’m most pleased that I have my husband.”

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