
What can happen during a study break?

Sitting comfortably on blankets under a tree, three freshmen worked on their homework on a sunny afternoon at Appalachian State University.

After praying, Lori, a Cru staff woman, and I approached them asking if they could use a study break. After they gladly accepted, we introduced ourselves and pulled out conversational postcard-sized pictures, known as Soularium.

Soularium provided a vivid prompt for a deeper discussion about their life, relationships and God.

I was amazed at the honesty of the freshmen. Of the three girls, Cara was a clear follower of Christ. The other two said they had walked through hardships in high school and didn’t grow up going to church. However, both agreed that knowing more about God was important.

Prompted to share her relationship with God, Cara told her story while her two friends listened intently.

After, Lori and I had a chance to share our testimonies along with the message of the gospel. Emily said she wanted to talk further about Christ. So, we set up a time to meet and I invited Cara to join us.

When meeting up with Emily, I read through the gospel more thoroughly using the Knowing God Personally tool. Emily listened and asked thoughtful questions. Cara piped up with some questions and answers for her friend as well. Toward the end of our time together, while sitting outside the student union on a bench, Emily prayed and received Christ.

Cara was thrilled to see God at work in her friend’s life, especially since she had not seen someone pray to trust Christ before.

For the past several weeks, Cara and I have been meeting with Emily to help her grow in the foundations of Biblical faith. It has been a sweet time of growth for all of us.

Cara has become more equipped and emboldened to share the gospel with others and Emily is beginning to understand more of who Christ is and how to follow Him.

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