United States Ministries

Shipping Hope and Help

7 Containers packed and shipped overseas, full of humanitarian aid

Sarah Freyermuth

What do school supplies, vegetable seeds, wheelchairs, and teddy bears have in common?

They are among the donated materials used by the Global Aid Network to meet physical and spiritual needs in countries around the world.

The Global Aid Network, or GAiN, is the humanitarian aid arm of Cru. As a multi-national network of ministries, they demonstrate the love of God through relief and development projects.

During their Fall Work Project on October 8th through 17th, 4,792 volunteers gathered in Lancaster County, Penn., to process and package humanitarian aid materials, including clothing, seed packs for gardens, school supplies and donated medical equipment.

Those items are headed for places like Siberia, Mauritania, Guatemala, and Tajikistan.

More interesting facts from the Fall Work Project:

  • Volunteers:

    Over 50% of the volunteers traveled from other places, including Canada, Arizona, Idaho, and California.
  • 57,204 Teddy Bears:

    That's more than enough bears for every child (ages 5 through 13) in Washington D.C. 
  • School supplies:

    over 107,984 colored pencils and 215,968 crayons were collected, which lined up would stretch well across the Grand Canyon at its widest point.
  • 333,521 Pairs of Shoes:

    That's almost enough to shoe the entire population of Florence, Italy.
  • 47,000 Gospel Bead Bracelets:

    Stretched out end to end, these bracelets (which help people tell children how to become a Christian) would reach across the Golden Gate Bridge 4 times.
  • In total, 136 pallets of goods were loaded into 40-foot containers - 7 of them - to be shipped to various countries around the world.

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