
Working for Justice

God’s character is one of justice, mercy and love. In Micah 6:8, we read that the Lord requires us to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God. What does it look like to act justly and to be merciful to others as we walk with Christ?

Essentially, it means bringing God’s righteousness and love to bear in our world in practical ways. Many organizations are doing just that.

Here are two that invite you to join them in their work.

  • International Justice Mission partners with Cru across the country. To help them in their efforts to see God’s rule and reign established throughout the world, consider starting a chapter on your campus, serving as a Cru/IJM intern on the IJM partnership team, or interning with IJM in one of their offices around the world.

  • World Relief is standing for the vulnerable around the world. See God change lives by working or volunteering in one of their many locations here in the US and overseas.

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