
How to Not Waste Your Winter Break

Have you ever reached the end of Christmas break and wondered where it went?

You spent weeks looking forward to relaxing and spending time with your friends and family, but suddenly, Christmas is over, and you’re exhausted and still not ready to go back to class.

It doesn’t have to end like this.

Try these simple tricks to get the most out of your winter break this year.

1. Don’t Sleep Till Noon (Or Stay Up Until 4 a.m.)

Occasionally sleeping in won’t hurt you, and sometimes, you really do have to finish that new Netflix docuseries in one sitting.

But the holistic rest God wants for our souls goes beyond sleep and sitting on the couch.

Spending time investing in relationships, spending time with God and going on adventures with friends are the things that will refresh your soul and help you prepare for your next term.

Take care of yourself. Save weird sleep patterns for finals week.

2. Make Plans with People You Don’t See

Winter break is the perfect time to catch up with your old friends from home that you don’t get to see now that you’ve moved off and go to different schools.

Send that friend a text right now! Find a time to hang out, and don’t put it off.

When you get together, make a point to ask them about their life. Dig beneath the small talk and curated social media life to find out how they’re really feeling. Share what God has been doing in your life even if it feels awkward at first. Even learn how to tell others about your relationship with God.

3. Learn to Love Your Family Well

Catching up with old friends can be fun, but don’t forget your family. Holidays can be really hard or really good and everywhere in between.

Whatever your relationship looks like, be intentional in caring for whomever God has put in your life.

4. Go on an Adventure

Christmas break is longer than you think. Or at least it can start to feel that way — even after connecting with old friends and swearing off late-night Netflix binges.

Break it up and go on an epic adventure with friends. Do something that gets you out of your comfort zone and connects you with others.

Plan a road trip to visit a college friend who lives a few hours away or maybe go on a winter camping trip. There are lots of things you can do to get away, but there is one adventure tailor-made for your break: Winter Conference.

Gather your friends and head to one of seven locations around the country. All of them will move you toward God, toward others and toward a life well-lived.

Learn more about Winter Conference.

This winter, invest in yourself, in others and in your relationship with God.

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