
Great Community in Historic Charleston

Late night putt-putt, dolphin watching as the sun sets, walking around downtown, and just hanging out in the hotel is at the heart of community here on Historic Charleston Summer Project. It’s so refreshing to be surrounded by so many other believers for the entire summer. People who encourage you and hold you accountable to represent Christ in the best way possible.

My favorite experience so far has definitely been the beach outreach. It was a bit scary to talk about spiritual things with total strangers at first. But In the end, God led us to the right people. It was amazing to not only see Him at work but also be a part of it.

This summer I am working at McDonalds. During orientation, the managers really encouraged me by sharing how much of an impact the Cru students have had in the past and how they hope that we can once again refresh the stores with attitudes of love and service toward others, and through that, influence our coworkers. It is intimidating to have a lot to live up to, but exciting as well because God is SO faithful.

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