
Local Movement Indicators

Local Movement Indicators

Faith Actions are practical, measurable activities we can do to take steps toward Movements Everywhere. Fruits are evidences of God’s power and blessing in response to the Faith Actions. In fact, where there is evidence of New Professing Believers, Engaged Disciples, Multiplying Disciples and Locally Generated Resources, there is progress toward movements of spiritual multiplication.

Most often this Movement Progress will be indicated by the presence of new movements, churches, communities or networks manifesting the Fruits. Each Field Strategy may choose the most appropriate one(s) of these as the best measurable Outcome indicator(s). For example, Global Church Movements is currently using multiplying churches and/or communities; Student-Led Movements, movements led by students; Leader-Led Movements, communities and/or networks; and, Virtually-Led Movements launches and/or supports any or all four expressions.

In addition to these outcomes, every few years we may survey the area surrounding our activities to see what percentage of the people know someone who truly follows Jesus. This will assure that our vision is being achieved: Movements everywhere so everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus.

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