So you’ve created a group of multiplying disciples on your campus – students are gathering and excited.
What About Next Semester?
Will you be coming back? Will the others in your leadership team? How will this group you’ve started continue to grow and build after you’ve graduated?
From the beginning of each semester, you need to be looking for students to replace you and your fellow leaders. Then, you’ll need to intentionally mentor those students and help them prepare to lead.
This is what Jesus did with His disciples.
He spent about three years teaching them about His kingdom and modeling how to live as a citizen of His kingdom. Then, after His death and resurrection, he commissioned his disciples to each do the same – to “disciple” others, who in turn, would “disciple” more.
This is what a movement looks like.
Today there are an estimated 2.1 billion Christians – nearly a third of the world’s population. Just because Jesus’s disciples did for others, what Jesus did for them.
Jesus said in Matthew 28:19-20:
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
The Apostle Paul told Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:2:
“and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.”
How Do You Choose The Right People to Lead?
Every good potential leader has a few things in common. Look for people who:
- Actively follow Jesus.
- Are taking steps to grow personally and spiritually.
- Show signs of personal and emotional maturity.
As you start to see a student with these attributes, first, pray about and for them. Then, invite them to lead in small ways. As they are successful with those, begin giving them more responsibilities.
Finally, as you listen for God’s leading, challenge them to join your leadership team – to lead a Bible study, to take on a leading role in weekly meetings, or some other important part of leading your group.
And don’t ever stop looking for more students to lead.