to international missions

How to Apply for a Mission Trip
with Cru’s High School Ministry

Before you fill out our online application, here are a few things to note.  

1. If You Are Under 18 Years Old:

Download and print the parent consent packet, then give the packet to your parents. It includes a consent form that your parent must read, sign, and mail to our office. You will submit your application online, but it will not be evaluated until the parent consent form is received.


2. If You Are Over 18 and Out of High School: 

We are required by law to perform a background check on anyone over the age of 18 who is out of high school. Shortly after submitting your application, you should receive an email for the background check. At that time, please submit a check for $20 made payable to “Cru” and mail it to: Cru – HS International Missions, 100 Lake Hart Drive MC 3200, Orlando FL 32832. If you do not receive this email, then please contact us at

3. Applying for a Trip:

  1. Click on “Apply Online.”
  2. Sign in. You will have multiple options for signing in. Use the one that works best for you. Or you can click “Sign Up” to create a user name and password to access your application. If you went on a mission trip with Cru before, you can enter the user name and password that you used then.
  3. Read the instructions carefully and fill out the application. You don’t need to fill out the entire application in one sitting. You can save your work and finish it later.
  4. Provide 3 references. You will need to provide three people and their email addresses when you apply. The three references should include:
    • A friend who knows you well. (This is required for college students but optional for high school students.)
    • A spiritual leader who can share about your relationship with God. (This is required for everyone; preferably this will be a Cru staff person, or you can ask a youth pastor or Bible study leader.)
    • A parent/guardian. (This is required only for high school students.)
  5. Pay the application fee. This may be done online with a credit or debit card, or you may mail a check or money order (made payable to “Cru”) to Cru – HS International Missions, 100 Lake Hart Dr. MC 3200, Orlando, FL 32832. Please do not send cash.

4. After You Apply:

Once all the required components of your application are received, your application will be reviewed. Your information will be considered carefully and held in the strictest confidence.

For additional information, please contact the Cru – High School International Missions team at