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Students fund their mission trip in a number of ways: Sometimes parents pay the whole bill. Other times, students work to earn money ahead of time. But, most of our students raise support from a team of people. Many students say that fundraising is part of what prepares them for their time of ministry. It stretches them to step out in faith to do uncomfortable things and allows them to see God’s faithfulness in unbelievable ways.
Most of our students invite others to join them in this mission opportunity through raising support.
Some students work jobs
and pay their own way.
Some parents pay for part or all of the program
There are limited
scholarships that are available.
Going on a mission trip sounds exciting, and then you look at the cost. Don’t let that discourage you! Many people have gone before you, trusting in God to provide, and He is faithful!
Raising support is developing a team of people who donate tax deductible financial gifts to your mission. These people are not just giving you money. They are joining you in telling high school students about Jesus. It’s teamwork – you are going and they are sending .
We have found that the most effective way to build your team is to directly ask them to give. One of the easiest ways to ask is through sending out a support letter. We will train you to brainstorm everyone that you could ask; including relatives, family friends, churches and many others. Then, you will write a support letter sharing your vision and calling to go on a mission trip and invite them to join you in making a difference in the lives of high school students around the world. You might also have other creative fundraisers to help you get to your goal.
Once you are accepted, you will be given a Go Pac that will walk you through how to write a letter and other ways to raise the finances you need. Ultimately, it will be God giving you ideas, contacts and raising your support. When He calls, He provides. Jump on the faith journey and see how HE is going to provide for you!