100k Educators Summits
Teachers are often overwhelmed or feel isolated as Christians in the classroom. The Summit is a Saturday morning event to
(1) encourage believing teachers to know they are not alone, by connecting them with fellow professionals,
(2) empower them with the truth about their legal freedoms so they can live out their faith in the classroom,
(3) and resource them to advance the gospel, both with other educators in the building or by creating opportunities for students to hear truth that leads ultimately to their transformation.
These events typically have a cost associated with them. We know, however, that educators are often using their spare funds for their classrooms, so we work extra hard to find sponsors so we can offer the Educator Summits for FREE.
THANK YOU to our sponsors for these events!
We had a GREAT event in Chattanooga! For those of you who missed this event and live in Chattanooga, please keep watch for other possible events in your area!
We had a GREAT event in Indianapolis! For those of you who missed this event and live in Chattanooga, please keep watch for other possible events in your area!
We would love to come to your area! If you would consider helping bring a 100k Educators Summit close to you,
contact Marcy Ripberger at marcy.ripberger@cru.org or (317) 749-2226