

Getaway Speaker

D.A. Horton serves as Pastor of Reach Fellowship a church plant in North Long Beach, CA and as Chief Evangelist for the Urban Youth Workers Institute (UYWI). Prior to his current roles he served as an urban
church planter/pastor in Kansas City, MO, a National Coordinator of Urban Student Ministries at the North
American Mission Board (NAMB) and the Executive Director at ReachLife Ministries, the non-profit ministry
of Reach Records.

He earned his B.S. in Biblical Studies from Calvary Bible College, his Masters Degree in Christian Studies from Calvary Theological Seminary and is currently working on his Ph.D. in Applied Theology with a North
American Missions emphasis at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

He has authored three books; G.O.S.P.E.L., DNA: Foundations of the Faith (published through Moody
Publishers) and Bound to Be Free: Escaping Performance to be Captured by Grace, (published through
NavPress). He and his wife of 13 years Elicia are co-authoring a book on marriage. D.A. and Elicia have two
daughters, Izabelle and Lola and one son, D.A. Jr. (aka Duce).
DA Horton


Getaway Speaker

Darren is a leader and influencer of people. As Atlanta Area Director of Student Venture and the Director of Students at North Point Community Church, he has traveled around the world speaking to students about their purpose and meaning in life. Today he is the Lead Pastor at New Vintage Church in Santa Rosa, CA, a network church of North Point Ministries. He loves his wife and their little crew of 3 littles. As a child he lived in both Illinois and Ohio resulting in diehard affection for his beloved Buckeyes, Chicago Cubs and Chicago Bears! His other loves include track and field plus pizza.
Darren Youngstrom


Getaway Speaker

Darryl Lamar Smith was born and raised in Chattanooga, Tennessee. He graduated from Kirkman High School in1983 and served in the US Army for three years. God saved him in 1991; he was licensed to preach in 1992 and ordained in 1994. He has been on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ since 1996, working with high school students at Howard High School in Chattanooga. For six years, he served as Chattanooga’s City Director, and the Southeast Regional Director for three years. In the summer of 2006, Campus Crusade chose Darryl as the new Executive Director for Student Venture. They moved to Campus Crusade’s headquarters in Orlando in May, 2007. In 2013 he joined the Executive Team where he provided leadership and direction to the U.S. Campus Ministry. During the summer of 2015 he came on the VP Team where he gave leadership and direction to all of Cru’s U.S. Ministry.
In 2017 Cru announced the creation of a new role within the U.S. Leadership team in which the Lord led Darryl and his wife, Gwen to co-direct. Their journey has prepared them to lead as the National Directors of Oneness in Diversity in this next season of their ministry, with dependence upon Jesus to help create a culturally diverse environment throughout all of Cru.
Darryl speaks to high school students, college students, adults and churches across the country, including professional and college football teams. Darryl resides in Orlando, FL with Gwen, and has three children.
Darryl Smith


Getaway Speaker

Growing up in the inner city, Jose Rodriguez was faced with many of the same challenges that students are faced with today. Impacted by his environment he made some poor choices. He joined a gang, got arrested for stealing cars, and even was suspended from school pretty regularly. His story is one that many can relate to today but it is a story of a complete turnaround.

Jose now is the founder and CEO of Rescue a Generation Inc., a non-profi t that focuses on reaching students who are struggling in school due to behavior, suspensions, and family issues. He is a well sought out motivational speaker who speaks to students in a variety of venues across the nation. His passion for young people, authenticity, and boldness gives him the tools to effectively rescue this generation.

Jose Rodriguez


Getaway Worship Band

Love and Life Worship is a collective of artists and creatives that have a passion for leading the next generation into having a vibrant and authentic relationship with God. The collective seeks to use music and art to worship God in unconventional ways and expand perspectives of faith beyond the confines of religion. Ultimately the Love and Life Brand looks to inspire people globally by promoting love, freedom, and an authentic, Godly lifestyle.

New Love and Life Worship Image


Getaway Artist

Miles Minnick, is an astounding recording artist and actor. Sought after all over the west coast, Miles fuses a modern sound with a message of faith and self worth to inspire his listeners. Through movies like “Still Standing” to songs like “ItsBaad!” Miles is intentional about being an example of using your passions to make a difference.

Miles writes: “I believe we are all put here for a purpose. I was just blessed to find mine at such a young age.” With his recent buzz surrounding his latest singles, films and social media challenges, Miles is on track to become the next big thing coming out of California.

Check out this video from Miles!!

Miles Minnick