The Community is a small group Bible study curriculum designed with a logical progression, that in the course of 3-4 years, could take a new Christian, ground them in the basics of the faith and grow them into a Christ-centered laborer.

The Compass is a tool designed to help staff and student disciplers guide other students through the process of becoming mature disciples. In addition to over 45 lessons, The Compass contains a number of other resources including a series of four talks by Roger Hershey on the right reasons, people, components, and content for discipleship. Feel free to supplement the lessons with corresponding CruPress training videos.

EveryStudent is a good place to explore questions about who God is and what it might be like to know God. This site contains articles, real-life video stories, Q&A’s, and gives you an opportunity to email a question you might have about God. They will email back a personal response to your question. We desire to help you see that God is offering you a personal relationship with himself, and how you can know him personally.

GodTools exists to help you have conversations about Jesus with the people you care about.

Everyone has the ability to share the message of Jesus. Lots of us just need a little help. We’re here to give you whatever help you need.