New Staff Training


The primary purpose of the New Staff Training is to help fulfill the Great Commission in the target area by winning, building, sending Christ-centered multiplying disciples and in the process train a New Staff.

NST is about LIFE CHANGE.. We desire that trainees and trainers experience growing Heart (Love for God and for others and wise stewardship). We also desire to see multiplying disciples as a result of their faith actions.


Every year, we are working with different trainers & training teams and training new staff trainees from different generations, locations and strategies who have varying needs, target areas and schedules. Given this diversity, it’s always a challenge to provide a training curriculum that is relevant, basic, contextualized, contemporary and effective in reaching target audiences.

Prayer Requests:

1. NST TEAM. Please pray we will continue to walk with Jesus joyfully humbly and with sincere heart and faithfully practice spiritual discipline.

2. NST TRAINERS/TRAINING TEAMS. Pray for wisdom, agility to effectively train a new staff and to uphold the basics of Cru and be relevant to our target audience at the same time.

3. NST TRAINEES. By the end of their NST time, we desire them to be more in love with Jesus, growing in their character, healthier members of a team and more equipped to launch spiritual movements.

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