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Showing God in action in and through His people.

Special Report

Fighting to Stay Afloat in Puerto Rico

One year after Hurricane Maria, three Christians describe the storm that changed them, the challenges they face in faith and how you can help bring restoration.

September 2018


A Dentist who Fills Cavities and Touches Hearts

In the Philippines, as Dr. Eloisa Crisostomo takes care of teeth, she also takes care of the spiritual needs of those beyond her dental chair — from mothers to businesswomen to young couples and to her own family.

September 2018


The Life-Saving Power of Clean Water

When cholera started to spread through Zambia in late 2017, people were forced to drink the disease-ridden water. But a gift was about to change that.

September 2018


Sharing Your Faith Could Include Belly Dancing

Ministering to wealthy influencers in Europe, Cru® staff member Sara Randall offers her three best tips on how you can start sharing your faith in your own context.

September 2018

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