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Showing God in action in and through His people.

From the Field

One God, One Week and Thousands of Students

Seven students from five continents joined thousands of others for Global Student Launch Week 2018, a worldwide initiative to bring Jesus to 1,000 campuses with no known Christian presence.

March 2019


Hope in a Box

After Nikki received a Box of Love®, she started attending a church, and her life began to turn from drug addiction to hope.

March 2019


Slovak Students Speak Out for Christ

Three students, one in university and two still in high school, met Christ and now eagerly tell others at SpeakOut camps about Jesus’ love for every person.

January 2019


Loving Neighbors Through Life’s Storms

After the devastation of Hurricane Florence, one North Carolina woman helped neighbors stay connected through social media while sharing God’s love with them.

January 2019

From the Field

The End of the “Ends of the Earth”

A South Asian witch doctor and millions of others have encountered Christ for the first time through an 18-year-long collaboration of Christian leaders.

January 2019


Hospice and the Hope of Life

A doctor in Mongolia brings love, comfort and hope into her work with hospice care through her faith in Christ.

January 2019


Wrestling for Confidence in an Uncomfortable Place

A young female wrestler from Virginia gains newfound confidence at a tournament and camp in Mongolia, where the prominence of wrestling provides athletes opportunities to introduce people to Christ.

November 2018

From the Field

Bringing Hope to Ostracized People

Former inner-city pastor Scott Reese intimately knows the needs of South Chicago’s suburbs. Alongside local churches, Pastor Scott’s ministry helps people experiencing homelessness to reach others in similar circumstances.

November 2018


God Can Multiply 1 Conversation Into 1,300

In Manila, Philippines, one conversation about Christ leads to hundreds of Filipinos turning to God.

November 2018

From the Field

The Girl With the Pink Backpack

Alone and desperate, one college student didn’t want to keep living. But a chance meeting saved her life and prompted her to influence other young lives.

November 2018

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