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gray-gold bar


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  • Going pro means we shoot for excellence not perfection
  • Tabling isn’t just for freshmen, but could be used as a mobile welcome center, If tabling is only for fall kick off, that’s not the right mindset.
  • Your Bat Symbol

Slide 2: What does it mean to go “PRO” – THE 3 I’S


Slide 3: Pros Invite others

– Everything at the table should be an extension of what is already happening online

1. Anyone can extend an invite.

a. What makes you stand out? Remind yourself that freshmen (students) are being invited to dozens of groups and outings in the first few weeks.

2. Further the conversation

a. Have a clear invite… you don’t have to invite them to bible study, weekly meeting, and a summer mission in the first 10 mins.

3. First impressions matter

a. This is like a first impression not just of you but your ministry as a whole. How would you want someone talking to your kid, who would you want talking to your friends/student’s?

4. PRO TIP: This is not the place to “catch up” with former students, or for holy huddle. It’s a push for new people.

Slide 4: PRO’s give GOOD information.

– Good information builds trust.

– The Number 1 question you will get is, “what is Cru?”

– You need to be able to be able to describe what Cru offers in your context.

– We suggest training your team in the 5 areas: Cru at your Campus, Fall Retreat, Winter Conference, Outreach, Freshman Finding Tools

1. Do not clutter your table with information that isn’t for everyone.

2. Do your best to talk as if someone is brand new to your ministry.


– Passion Breeds Passion


– Calendar Planning is key
– Planning for tabling season amount other events should not be an afterthought.


– 10 Weeks – Calendar Planning

a. Don’t let this be a last minute thing.
b. Talk Priorities
c. Cross Reference the Campus Activities
d. Remember why you are tabling
e. Consider what you have to do for permissions etc…
f. Assign staff Roles

– 8 weeks – Order Resources

a. Marketing
b. Social
c. Answer the WHY in your marketing
d. Good Information Builds Trust

– 6 Weeks – Pro Teams

a. Captains, Frontmen, and Backup
b. Everyone is an inviter
c. Recruit

– 4 Weeks – Check In

a. Check in with Team Captains
b. Ensure school protocols are ready
c. Double check Marketing and Table resources

– 2 Weeks – Team Training

a. Plan training night or two
b. Cast BIG vision, SOW that, so that…
c. Talk about the priority of the event

– 1 Week – Prayer and Prep

Slide 8: PRO TEAMS

Team Captain:
Their role is to work with the experience team to ensure that they have the appropriate links for Typeform, to set up and support the booth (scheduling) and to ensure there is a clear plan to collect connections and follow up.

Their role is to engage with people walking by your table. They will stand in front of the table with ipads. They should be engaging and at ease when talking to new people. They should be familiar with the “typeform” survey and have a goal for connections. We suggest 2-3 frontman pershift.

Their role is to engage with the people they intercept from the Frontman. They are the back of house personnel so to speak, collecting non-digital comment cards if needed. Assisting in the “table” needs and engaging with people. We suggest 1 or 2 Backups pershift.

*You do not want the booth to look too full or have the team only be talking to each other. Everyone helps with setting up and ongoing house keeping of the booth. 

Slide 9: FOLLOW UP

– Just because you pack up the table doesn’t mean you are done. You have only just begun.
– Make follow up a key and strategic part of your planning. It’s best to follow up within 24 hours.

For more information check out this resource

Quiz for this training

Next Step, continue with the training here

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gray-gold bar