Psalm 46:10

We are joining together as a community of students, faculty, family, and friends for a night focused on:
Worshipping in God’s presence.
Considering what He may be doing in this time.
Seeking God and praying for His restoration in the world.
Send me a reminder.
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, Cru initiated a 24-hour, 40-day prayer chain. In response, believers committed themselves to 15-minute segments for prayer for awakening and revival on our high school and college campuses and beyond.
Even though the 40 days of prayer are over, we are still seeking the Lord, and you can still join us:
- Reflect and pray through the 40-day devotional series.
- Use the Be Still prayer guide.
- Watch the recording of the live, virtual event that kicked-off the prayer chain.
Sign up to receive the Be Still 40-day devotional series.
Prayer Guide
Be Still & Know That I Am God
- Begin Approaching God in Worship & Surrender. Psalm 46
- Praise God for being our refuge, strength and very present help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1-3).
- Praise God that He is good and that His presence truly satisfies and gives gladness to our hearts (Psalm 46:4-7; John 7:37-39).
- Quiet yourself before God, seeking to understand what he is doing even in the midst of this pandemic (Psalm 46:8-11; Matthew 6:9-10).
- Pray for Renewal amongst God’s people. 2 Chronicles 7:13-15
- Confess any known sins, idols, or pride. Extend forgiveness toward any who has offended or wounded you (2 Chronicles 7:13-14; Matthew 6:12-15; I John 1:9).
- As we confess and repent of our sinful ways return towards the love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness of the living God (2 Corinthians 7:10).
- Pray for God’s people to return to their first love (Revelation 2:4).
- Pray for yourself, your loved ones, and people you know by name. Psalm 85
- Pray that God would restore and revive us by his steadfast love, salvation, faithfulness, and righteousness (Psalm 85:4-7).
- Pray that he would strengthen each of us with his power and love (Ephesians 3:14-19) and give peace in the place of fear and anxiety (John 14:27, 16:33).
- Pray for individuals you know who are sick and suffering that God would have mercy on them and restore them (Philippians 2:27, 3 John 2).
- Pray for a spiritual harvest around the globe amongst high school and college students, faculty and in every segment of society.
- Pray for God to open doors to share the gospel (Colossians 4:2-4).
- Pray for many to come to faith in Christ (Acts 2:47).
- Pray for God to send workers into the harvest field (Matthew 9:35-38).
Why 24/7 prayer?
Movements of God are born in and sustained by seasons of concerted prayer. Devotion to prayer fueled the unstoppable expansion of the church in the book of Acts, as well as spiritual awakenings throughout the centuries. Prayer also played a critical role in securing God’s blessing on the beginning and growth of Cru.
In the fall of 1951, Bill and Vonette Bright founded Campus Crusade for Christ (now known as Cru in the U.S.) at UCLA with the foundation of a 24-hour prayer chain.
For more than a year before the ministry’s beginning, Bill had led church teams into college dormitories, fraternities, and sororities in the Los Angeles area; yet, to his knowledge, not a single person committed his or her life to Christ at any of these meetings.
In the spring of 1951, when God called Cru into being, Bill immediately formed a 24-hour prayer chain. Vonette would later describe the effort, writing, “Campus Crusade was born in prayer, and prayer is still our lifeline.”
Did it make a difference?
Over the next few months, more than 250 students at UCLA–including the president of the student body, the editor of the newspaper and a number of top athletes–committed their lives to Jesus Christ.
This unprecedented demonstration of God’s blessing was no accident. God was responding to the prayers of His people. We are living in unprecedented times with the global COVID-19 pandemic. Yet the Spirit of prayer and intercession is moving once again.
Will you lock arms with us in prayer knowing that God will do “immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20)?

Louie Giglio
Louie Giglio is pastor of Passion City Church and the Original Visionary of the Passion movement, which exists to call a generation to leverage their lives for the fame of Jesus. In addition to Passion Conferences, Louie and his wife Shelley lead six steps records, Passion Publishing, and the Passion Global Institute.

Crawford Loritts
Crawford Loritts serves as senior pastor at Fellowship Bible Church in Roswell, GA.
He and his wife Karen have been featured speakers at FamilyLife marriage conferences and have a newly-released book, Your Marriage Today … and Tomorrow.

Ney Bailey
Ney Bailey has served and led with Cru for 59 years in a variety of ways, including campus field staff, FamilyLife, and the Alumni Ministry. Ney lives in Frisco, Texas where her faithful dog Gracie can always be found right by her side.

Ney Bailey
Ney Bailey has served and led with Cru for 59 years in a variety of ways, including campus field staff, FamilyLife, and the Alumni Ministry. Ney lives in Frisco, Texas where her faithful dog Gracie can always be found right by her side.

Jamie Lam

Jamie Lam

Mark Gauthier

Rend Collective
Rend Collective is an eclectic collective of multi-instrumentalists from Ireland who through songs, music and stories want to lead people closer to Jesus. Their new album ‘Choose To Worship’ now available everywhere!
Send me a reminder.
Sign up to receive the Be Still 40-day devotional series.
The current pandemic is disrupting and damaging our lives and our world. In this chaos and crisis, God calls us to be still and remember that He is God.
In the midst of anxiety, loneliness, fear and loss, we can join together to be still and seek God, personally and in our communities.
Invite your friends and family.
Explore how to begin a relationship with God and what Christians believe.