See You at the Pole
See You at the Pole™ is a an annual nation-wide event where students join in a movement of prayer that is bigger than themselves. It is like an early morning stadium wave of students’ hands raised in prayer moving across the country.
On the fourth Wednesday in September, before school starts, students stand and pray at their school flagpole. Together, they lift their voices to God in prayer for their friends, families, teachers, their community, their nation, and the world. It is uniquely student-initiated, student-organized, and student-led. Interested in how it began? Find out more here.
“When two of you get together on anything at all on earth and make a prayer of it, my Father in heaven goes into action. And when two or three of you are together because of me, you can be sure that I’ll be there” (Matt 18:20 MSG). According to Jesus, even two students gathered at the flagpole to seek His face is enough make our Father want to show up and join in on the wave. That is what scripture tells us. What a motivating picture and promise!
Here are some practical advantages of SYATP for leaders:
- Increase the amount of prayer happening on your campus.
- Meet students and catalyze a movement at the start of the school year.
- Help curious or new students meet Christians on campus.
- Build connections with other ministry-minded adults (pastors, parents, teachers, administration, etc.)
- Create an opportunity for students to lead in prayer.
For Students, SYATP…
- provides a place of belonging for those who want to see God impact their campus.
- makes a way for students who pray to find each other.
- connects and unifies believers & Christian groups on campus.
- is a visible yet vulnerable sign to peers of students’ love and faith.
- is a unique opportunity to identify other adults who care and pray.
- gives them a vision for their whole school, community, and nation.
- is an easy way to kick-start a prayer group on campus.
As someone who cares and prays, who will you challenge to participate in a wave of prayer at SYATP this year?
If it is just you and Jesus right now, will you show up to pray and trust God to start a wave by His Spirit?
It is like an early morning stadium wave of students' hands raised in prayer moving across the country.
Why Leaders Keep Returning to the Pole
“This could very well be the most important national student event of the year. Whenever you get one million teenagers praying for their schools, God takes notice . Only in eternity will we know what God has done in answer to the courageous prayers of students holding hands around their flag pole.”
-Kevin Young, Cru High School National Director
“SYATP challenges us (as leaders) to release control and allow students to step up .”- Jason Dinh, San Diego Team Leader, Cru HS
“When students experience the glory of God through prayer, everything else will fall into place…”- Annie, high school student leader
“SYATP is a significant opportunity for students to take a physical stand and make prayer a tangible action point. Because students stand outside and pray while their peers walk into school and watch them, it’s a big faith step for many.”- Jason Geick, San Diego Team Leader, Cru HS
“One year, we challenged our girls to lead SYATP at their school on very short notice. It gave them a heart and vision for their whole school .”- Laurie and Carol, Orlando Team, Cru HS
“I always wanted to be the person who organized the students who would lead SYATP so we could have students sign our sign up sheet so we would have all the names. That way, we would be able to invite them personally to different opportunities Cru has later.” -Scott from Cru’s Coaching Center
“Sometimes SYATP gives students a chance to share their faith with their friends who don’t know Jesus yet.” Chris Trimpe, Indy Field Staff, Cru HS
“Early morning, genuine, bold, visible prayer from the hearts of students ushers in the presence of God in the most powerful way. I have seen spiritual movements birthed from simply a few students gathering to pray at SYATP.”- Dawn, Cru HS, Orlando
“When you see teenagers, youth leaders, and administration gather around a poll and go before their King, you see the unity of the church and a piece of heaven on earth. ” – Carlos, Orlando Team Leader, Cru HS
The effects of this "stadium wave" will ripple into eternity. So what are you waiting for? Start the wave.
If You Are Ready for The Pole...
Here is How To Prepare
Download SYATP App or visit SYATP’s website.
Both are packed with resources to help students make their “stadium prayer wave” as big or as intimate as they envision. The website comes complete with these simple sections on how to prepare:
PRAY – some basic ways to pray as you prepare
PREPARE – a downloadable preparation checklist
PUBLICIZE – promotional videos, photos, graphics, a virtual SYATP warehouse
PLAN – includes a downloadable planning guide . You will also find a list of students’ rights as well as resources for legal help, just in case. [Scroll down to see it.]
The effects of this “stadium wave” will ripple into eternity. So what are you waiting for? Start the wave.
For more information about SYATP, check out SYATP FAQs .