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When we say to Jesus, “My life is yours,” we can expect things to be different. When our dreams, our plans, our ideas are infused with Jesus, they become HIS dreams, HIS plans, and HIS ideas. Through the power of the Spirit and by applying the truths of Scripture, we find freedom and contentment in living out HIS plans for us.


From simple, daily acts of kindness, to choosing whether or not to cheat on a test, to momentous decisions like choosing a career, anything and everything we do is an opportunity to follow God and his plans or do our own thing.

How Does it Feel?

Which of these describes how it feels to DO what Jesus wants you to do?

“That sounds scary to me.”

“I’m so excited to get started.”

“I’m not even sure where to begin.”

“The whole idea is pretty overwhelming.”

“Meh. I feel kind of numb.”

Take a moment to reflect and journal a bit about which of these feelings resonate most with you right now. What might cause that to change?