Stateside Missions Opportunities for US Students
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Find the Right US Mission Trip
Cru offers hundreds of mission trips all over the United States. Whether you want to go across the country or stay close to home, people need to hear about Jesus. You can share the gospel and reach out to people in need of the good news!
US Trips by Category
Clearwater Beach
Daytona Beach
Epic Movement: Wildwood
Hampton Beach, NH
Jersey Shore Express
North Myrtle Beach
Ocean City, Maryland
Ocean City, New Jersey
San Diego Adventure
San Diego Summer Launch (Quarter Students)
San Diego Summer Launch (Semester Students)
San Diego Summer Mission
Traverse City
Trilife: Jacksonville
Outdoor /Nature
Alaska: Anchorage (This Trip is Full)
Badlands Summer Mission
Destino: Vail Trek
Guys Leadership Adventure (2wk)
Jackson Hole, WY
Lake Tahoe
Lifelines: Tahoe Outdoor Leadership Expedition
Lifelines: Rocky Mountain Expedition
Nations: Alaska
Nations: Montana Blackfeet Indian Reservation
Ozark Lakes
Smoky Mountains Summer Mission
Yellowstone Summer Mission